Unfortunately, her platelet count has dropped quite a bit from this morning ... from 54 to 42. I'm heartbroken. I want so much to have her healthy and bring her home. I had the hardest time putting her back in her crib tonight.
Her bilirubin did go down, just a bit from 11.7 to 11.4. Not quite the drop they wanted to see tonight, so that isn't great news either...though at least it didn't rise by itself.
I don't know what tomorrow brings. We'll see what the Friday AM numbers look like, I guess. I'd give anything to bring my baby girl home...Geez, even just typing this is making me want to cry again...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
She's here!
I've tried writing this post for almost three days now. Each time, I get to a point and decide I'm just not in the mood to do it. Nothing horrible is going on -- my beautiful daughter is here, in the NICU for 5 days now, but as of today, things are looking more positive (nothing lifethreatening). I'm exhausted and sore, my blood pressure is still really high and for some reason my body has decided that swollen legs and hands should come after the pregnancy is over. DH and A are at the NICU right now feeding H (our baby girl) her 4:30 PM feeding, but I was too swollen and tired to go, so this is the first non-overnight feeding I have missed. But I do have a beautiful baby girl here who is just amazing, wonderful, and I can't believe how quickly I fell in love with her.
But I digress... (and will fill more details in later on)
Birth Story
I was scheduled for a 4 PM "add-on" Csection on Friday afternoon, July 25. We had picked up A and E early from camp so I could spend some time with them before DH brought them to our neighbor's house to spend the day and night. Because L&D was really busy, I didn't get a room until 3:15 PM so I knew things would be later than scheduled. The nurses came in and tried to start the IV. "Tried" is the key word there because my veins kept "popping" each time they got it in. Apparently with my blood pressure so high, my veins were very, very sensitive. Five nurses tried, and five times I got pricked...hard! The second to last time, my blood pressure dropped to 80/40, and I got extremely lightheaded and clammy. Finally, they brought the anesthesiologist in (who would later do my procedure), and he was able to get it in on the side of my left hand after numbing it with lidocaine. Thank GOODNESS that was over. Believe it or not, that was the most painful part of the procedure! About 5 PM, they wheeled me down to the OR. Here things went fast and furious. I sat up to get my spinal block anesthesia and told the anesthesiologist how I heard how painful these were. He laughed and said that the IV was the worst of it and "to watch." Sure enough, it was just a little poke of lidocaine in the back and the rest was a piece of cake! Soon after, my legs felt like logs, and it was the strangest feeling! They almost forgot to bring my husband back into the operating room, and by the time they did, my doctor had already made the first incision!
Baby H came out within minutes, and I heard her start crying. They showed her to me very quickly, and she was taken to the warmer to be cleaned up and checked out. Her apgars were 8 and 9! I kept thinking, "OMG, this is so weird!" Out of all things to come into my mind, all I could think about was how surreal this moment was...that THIS was my daughter, the one who had been inside my tummy for 9 months!! The nurses had my husband follow them to take the baby to be weighed and to wait for me in the recovery room.
My doc then asked me if I was sure that I wanted my tubes tied, and I was like "Um yes, absolutely!" This pregnancy was such a fluke, 1 in a million, that I didn't want to take another chance. So, he tied my tubes. I found out later from my DH that my doc also asked him if I was sure that I wanted a tubal ligation before the sugery started, and DH said that I was pretty positive!
Recovery was actually pretty mellow. I stayed in the recovery room for a couple of hours while just staring at DH holding Baby H. She was all swaddled up, and I could just see the amazement in his eyes. It was so obvious that she has his lips! I was able to hold her briefly while in recovery, but DH and I just kept looking at each other the whole time saying "OMG!" LOL, we were still in shock.
She was born at 5:27 PM. 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and 19 inches tall. Brownish-black hair. Just beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I couldn't stop looking at her!
After recovery, I was wheeled upstairs to my room where I spent 5 nights and 6 days (it was only supposed to be 3 nights, but because Baby H ended up in the NICU, my doc gave me an extra couple of days to stay there.) I lived on Vicodin and Motrin. I kept having this intense pain, like a knife ripping my left front incision open, from the second day on. Vicodin didn't even help, and I would cry in pain because I couldn't move and it hurt so much. Found out on the fourth day that the glue my doc used to close the incision "hardened" too much (bad batch) and became like a serrated plastic knife cutting against my incision. After my doc ripped that part of the glue off, I felt "normal" recovery pain, and I've been able to cut down my Vicodin to only 2 a day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) instead of 2 pills every 4 hours.
But now I'm home, recovering. I feel a lot better than I expected to at this point. I'm still sore, but I've been doing a lot of walking, and I am not really having too much problems on the stairs either (as long as I'm empty-handed). I don't get winded anymore like I did before Baby H was born, and with the exception of now-swollen feet, legs, and hands, I'm doing better. Sadly, because I have so much fluid retained, I haven't even lost a pound yet! Sure, I delivered an almost 7-pound baby, and I don't get "credit" for it LOL. However, my blood pressure is still a problem (even though it normalized for the first three days) so I'm back on the BP meds, and I'm going to see my regular doctor about different BP medication to take until either my BP comes back down (which could take months) or if I now have chronic hypertension.
Baby H
Everything with our gorgeous little girl was going well the first couple of days. She was able to room-in with me, and I loved having her right there. DH spent the first night with us, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her (My parents came into town and the kids slept over at their hotel). She did exactly as she was supposed to – eat, poop, pee, and sleep!
The second night, I was by myself because DH went home to sleep with the kids since they were missing us quite a bit. At about 12:30 AM, I asked the nurse if they could take Baby H to the nursery just so I could get some sleep. I slept a bit, but at 4:00 AM, I missed her so much, I asked the nurse to bring her back. I hated being apart from her and couldn’t sleep anymore without her there!
Later that morning, the pediatrician on call came to check out Baby H. He said she looked good except for an obvious case of jaundice, and he was going to have them bring up the photo therapy lights. He wanted to get some bloodwork to check out her bilirubin numbers.
Around late afternoon, they brought in the photo therapy lights and got Baby H set up on the machine. I absolutely HATED the mask they make the babies wear, and Baby H hated it too, it was clearly obvious. But I know she had to wear it. We were allowed to take her out to feed her, but she needed to be in those lights every other moment.
They also wanted to do some bloodwork and had to take three vials of blood from Baby H’s foot. She was NOT happy, especially since one of the vials had clotted twice on the way to the lab, so technically, her little body had to fill 5 vials!
I’m not sure how this next part really started, but DH spent that third night with Baby H and I in the hospital. About 1:00 AM, my nurse brought in this NICU nurse, and they started talking about the “mass” in my baby’s abdomen like I knew what she was talking about. DH had woken up by this time (still very groggy, he was exhausted). Then the NICU nurse made the comment about how “she only needs one kidney anyway” and then left the room. DH and I just looked at each other trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and I lost it. Call it hormones, call it fear, but I just became hysterical… what do you mean my daughter only needs one kidney? What mass? DH stormed out of the room and after the nurses to find out what the hell they were talking about.
Apparently the night that Baby H spent in the nursery, the doctor’s palpated a pass in her abdomen. The nurse that night was supposed to tell us what had been found. We were NEVER told. Our night nurse was actually really apologetic for what had happened, as they thought we had already known, but we were more furious with the NICU nurse acting as if surgery was no big deal on a 2-day old baby and treating us as if we weren’t there! I need to get more details from DH on all of this because this really has become such a blur.
Long story short…
The next morning, Baby H’s bilirubin numbers still climbed even though she had been under the photo therapy lights and phototherapy blanket, which apparently is unusual. A new NICU nurse (who was very sweet) came in and told us that the doctor’s had decided the Baby H needed to be transferred to the NICU to be assessed and monitored.
They ended up putting her on a heated open crib in the NICU with the photo therapy lights going. It broke my heart to see her in there that first time. But, in hindsight, this was the best thing for her because these items needed to be figured out.
So, here is where we are…
1] Thrombocytopenia. Baby H's platelet count is of our highest concern at the moment. Normal platelet counts are between 150,000 and 300,000. Her count went from 31,000 to 6,000, which is dangeously severe, and they were worried about intracranial hemorrages. They ended up having to give her a platelet transfusion on Monday because it was so low.
There are two thoughts as to why this is happening...either she has contracted a virus like CMV, which can have hearing, vision, and neurological defects, as well as attacking the platelets, or she has Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia, which means that the proteins from my platelets in utero thought that her proteins in her platelets were foreign objects and attacked them (same philosophy as Rh factor, but much less common). Either way, her body wasn't able to either produce new platelets or it was continuing to destroy the platelets that were growing...we aren't sure at this point.
They take her platelet count every 12 hours, at 6 AM and 6 PM, each day. Her numbers have been like this... Pretransfusion 6,000. After transfusion, 86,000, then 79,000, then 61,000, then 54,000, then 44,000 last night. If they get to 30,000, they need to do another transfusion and would prefer to do it by tomorrow, as that is when her current bag of donated platelets expires (prefer to keep the same donor as she didn't have any negative reactions to the tranfusion).
BUT, we got some good news for the first time today! Her platelets actually went UP for the first time since this all started! To 54,000! Still extremely low for normal, but it is a GAIN, which means her body is started to produce platelets and/or her body isn't destroying the platelets she is making as much (or at all, we don't know!).
We talked to the neonatologist and the nurse practioner today about this, and both said this is a great sign, but to be prepared because it can go back down again, as they have seen it do many times. But this is a positive step forward. When we asked what they are looking for, they said that they want to see a positive "trend" of increasing numbers to over 100,000, and then we can consider sending Baby H home for outpatient continuing treatment. So that is our goal -- 100,000!
2] Jaundice. Unfortunately, Baby H's jaundice is more stubborn that most newborns. But, like the platelets, we are finally seeing an improvement in the past two checks (check once a day). She went from 13.9 up to 16.9 (normal being 0.2). We have had ups and downs with this, but after three days of being on the "down side," even though it isn't down as far as they would like, they decided to try her off the photo therapy lights from noon today on and see if she can bring it down on her own. We find out that tonight as well, as they are going to do another check at 6 PM.
3] Enlarged spleen. After doing a full abdomen and head ultrasound, it has been determined that her spleen was quite enlarged, and that was the "mass" that had been felt. No one is sure why. However, today was the first day that her spleen actually started to shrink! No rhyme or reason, but this is great. The doctor's think that maybe the spleen was eating up the platelets somehow, but again, this is just a theory.
So that's where we are medically with Baby H. Still waiting and seeing, but today was such a positive day in terms of going in the right direction finally!
As for Baby H herself, OMG, she is just amazing. We try to do as many feeds as possible even though I've already been discharged, at least 4 to 5 a day if we can. I cherish that time so much, even if it is just being able to hold her in my arms and cuddle her. She is starting to open her eyes more, and I just melt when she stares into my eyes and watches me. She also has the cutest little facial expressions, especially her "smile" (you know, the gassy effect). She also has this "am I yawning or going to cry" look she gives us. I hate having to leave her there!
DH is completely smitten with her too. We almost have to fight over who gets to feed her and who gets to hold her (I usually win, but I let him have time with her too.). I love watching him just hold her and stare at her, studying her.
The kids have both met her. E seems indifferent but happy. A just can't get enough of her. Unfortunately, they haven't spent really any quality time with her because she has been in the NICU for 4+ days, but it should be interesting to see how things work out after she gets home, which I hope is soon!
I've taken quite a few pictures, and you can check them out in our usual shutterfly location.
But I digress... (and will fill more details in later on)
Birth Story
I was scheduled for a 4 PM "add-on" Csection on Friday afternoon, July 25. We had picked up A and E early from camp so I could spend some time with them before DH brought them to our neighbor's house to spend the day and night. Because L&D was really busy, I didn't get a room until 3:15 PM so I knew things would be later than scheduled. The nurses came in and tried to start the IV. "Tried" is the key word there because my veins kept "popping" each time they got it in. Apparently with my blood pressure so high, my veins were very, very sensitive. Five nurses tried, and five times I got pricked...hard! The second to last time, my blood pressure dropped to 80/40, and I got extremely lightheaded and clammy. Finally, they brought the anesthesiologist in (who would later do my procedure), and he was able to get it in on the side of my left hand after numbing it with lidocaine. Thank GOODNESS that was over. Believe it or not, that was the most painful part of the procedure! About 5 PM, they wheeled me down to the OR. Here things went fast and furious. I sat up to get my spinal block anesthesia and told the anesthesiologist how I heard how painful these were. He laughed and said that the IV was the worst of it and "to watch." Sure enough, it was just a little poke of lidocaine in the back and the rest was a piece of cake! Soon after, my legs felt like logs, and it was the strangest feeling! They almost forgot to bring my husband back into the operating room, and by the time they did, my doctor had already made the first incision!
Baby H came out within minutes, and I heard her start crying. They showed her to me very quickly, and she was taken to the warmer to be cleaned up and checked out. Her apgars were 8 and 9! I kept thinking, "OMG, this is so weird!" Out of all things to come into my mind, all I could think about was how surreal this moment was...that THIS was my daughter, the one who had been inside my tummy for 9 months!! The nurses had my husband follow them to take the baby to be weighed and to wait for me in the recovery room.
My doc then asked me if I was sure that I wanted my tubes tied, and I was like "Um yes, absolutely!" This pregnancy was such a fluke, 1 in a million, that I didn't want to take another chance. So, he tied my tubes. I found out later from my DH that my doc also asked him if I was sure that I wanted a tubal ligation before the sugery started, and DH said that I was pretty positive!
Recovery was actually pretty mellow. I stayed in the recovery room for a couple of hours while just staring at DH holding Baby H. She was all swaddled up, and I could just see the amazement in his eyes. It was so obvious that she has his lips! I was able to hold her briefly while in recovery, but DH and I just kept looking at each other the whole time saying "OMG!" LOL, we were still in shock.
She was born at 5:27 PM. 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and 19 inches tall. Brownish-black hair. Just beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I couldn't stop looking at her!
After recovery, I was wheeled upstairs to my room where I spent 5 nights and 6 days (it was only supposed to be 3 nights, but because Baby H ended up in the NICU, my doc gave me an extra couple of days to stay there.) I lived on Vicodin and Motrin. I kept having this intense pain, like a knife ripping my left front incision open, from the second day on. Vicodin didn't even help, and I would cry in pain because I couldn't move and it hurt so much. Found out on the fourth day that the glue my doc used to close the incision "hardened" too much (bad batch) and became like a serrated plastic knife cutting against my incision. After my doc ripped that part of the glue off, I felt "normal" recovery pain, and I've been able to cut down my Vicodin to only 2 a day (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening) instead of 2 pills every 4 hours.
But now I'm home, recovering. I feel a lot better than I expected to at this point. I'm still sore, but I've been doing a lot of walking, and I am not really having too much problems on the stairs either (as long as I'm empty-handed). I don't get winded anymore like I did before Baby H was born, and with the exception of now-swollen feet, legs, and hands, I'm doing better. Sadly, because I have so much fluid retained, I haven't even lost a pound yet! Sure, I delivered an almost 7-pound baby, and I don't get "credit" for it LOL. However, my blood pressure is still a problem (even though it normalized for the first three days) so I'm back on the BP meds, and I'm going to see my regular doctor about different BP medication to take until either my BP comes back down (which could take months) or if I now have chronic hypertension.
Baby H
Everything with our gorgeous little girl was going well the first couple of days. She was able to room-in with me, and I loved having her right there. DH spent the first night with us, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her (My parents came into town and the kids slept over at their hotel). She did exactly as she was supposed to – eat, poop, pee, and sleep!
The second night, I was by myself because DH went home to sleep with the kids since they were missing us quite a bit. At about 12:30 AM, I asked the nurse if they could take Baby H to the nursery just so I could get some sleep. I slept a bit, but at 4:00 AM, I missed her so much, I asked the nurse to bring her back. I hated being apart from her and couldn’t sleep anymore without her there!
Later that morning, the pediatrician on call came to check out Baby H. He said she looked good except for an obvious case of jaundice, and he was going to have them bring up the photo therapy lights. He wanted to get some bloodwork to check out her bilirubin numbers.
Around late afternoon, they brought in the photo therapy lights and got Baby H set up on the machine. I absolutely HATED the mask they make the babies wear, and Baby H hated it too, it was clearly obvious. But I know she had to wear it. We were allowed to take her out to feed her, but she needed to be in those lights every other moment.
They also wanted to do some bloodwork and had to take three vials of blood from Baby H’s foot. She was NOT happy, especially since one of the vials had clotted twice on the way to the lab, so technically, her little body had to fill 5 vials!
I’m not sure how this next part really started, but DH spent that third night with Baby H and I in the hospital. About 1:00 AM, my nurse brought in this NICU nurse, and they started talking about the “mass” in my baby’s abdomen like I knew what she was talking about. DH had woken up by this time (still very groggy, he was exhausted). Then the NICU nurse made the comment about how “she only needs one kidney anyway” and then left the room. DH and I just looked at each other trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and I lost it. Call it hormones, call it fear, but I just became hysterical… what do you mean my daughter only needs one kidney? What mass? DH stormed out of the room and after the nurses to find out what the hell they were talking about.
Apparently the night that Baby H spent in the nursery, the doctor’s palpated a pass in her abdomen. The nurse that night was supposed to tell us what had been found. We were NEVER told. Our night nurse was actually really apologetic for what had happened, as they thought we had already known, but we were more furious with the NICU nurse acting as if surgery was no big deal on a 2-day old baby and treating us as if we weren’t there! I need to get more details from DH on all of this because this really has become such a blur.
Long story short…
The next morning, Baby H’s bilirubin numbers still climbed even though she had been under the photo therapy lights and phototherapy blanket, which apparently is unusual. A new NICU nurse (who was very sweet) came in and told us that the doctor’s had decided the Baby H needed to be transferred to the NICU to be assessed and monitored.
They ended up putting her on a heated open crib in the NICU with the photo therapy lights going. It broke my heart to see her in there that first time. But, in hindsight, this was the best thing for her because these items needed to be figured out.
So, here is where we are…
1] Thrombocytopenia. Baby H's platelet count is of our highest concern at the moment. Normal platelet counts are between 150,000 and 300,000. Her count went from 31,000 to 6,000, which is dangeously severe, and they were worried about intracranial hemorrages. They ended up having to give her a platelet transfusion on Monday because it was so low.
There are two thoughts as to why this is happening...either she has contracted a virus like CMV, which can have hearing, vision, and neurological defects, as well as attacking the platelets, or she has Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia, which means that the proteins from my platelets in utero thought that her proteins in her platelets were foreign objects and attacked them (same philosophy as Rh factor, but much less common). Either way, her body wasn't able to either produce new platelets or it was continuing to destroy the platelets that were growing...we aren't sure at this point.
They take her platelet count every 12 hours, at 6 AM and 6 PM, each day. Her numbers have been like this... Pretransfusion 6,000. After transfusion, 86,000, then 79,000, then 61,000, then 54,000, then 44,000 last night. If they get to 30,000, they need to do another transfusion and would prefer to do it by tomorrow, as that is when her current bag of donated platelets expires (prefer to keep the same donor as she didn't have any negative reactions to the tranfusion).
BUT, we got some good news for the first time today! Her platelets actually went UP for the first time since this all started! To 54,000! Still extremely low for normal, but it is a GAIN, which means her body is started to produce platelets and/or her body isn't destroying the platelets she is making as much (or at all, we don't know!).
We talked to the neonatologist and the nurse practioner today about this, and both said this is a great sign, but to be prepared because it can go back down again, as they have seen it do many times. But this is a positive step forward. When we asked what they are looking for, they said that they want to see a positive "trend" of increasing numbers to over 100,000, and then we can consider sending Baby H home for outpatient continuing treatment. So that is our goal -- 100,000!
2] Jaundice. Unfortunately, Baby H's jaundice is more stubborn that most newborns. But, like the platelets, we are finally seeing an improvement in the past two checks (check once a day). She went from 13.9 up to 16.9 (normal being 0.2). We have had ups and downs with this, but after three days of being on the "down side," even though it isn't down as far as they would like, they decided to try her off the photo therapy lights from noon today on and see if she can bring it down on her own. We find out that tonight as well, as they are going to do another check at 6 PM.
3] Enlarged spleen. After doing a full abdomen and head ultrasound, it has been determined that her spleen was quite enlarged, and that was the "mass" that had been felt. No one is sure why. However, today was the first day that her spleen actually started to shrink! No rhyme or reason, but this is great. The doctor's think that maybe the spleen was eating up the platelets somehow, but again, this is just a theory.
So that's where we are medically with Baby H. Still waiting and seeing, but today was such a positive day in terms of going in the right direction finally!
As for Baby H herself, OMG, she is just amazing. We try to do as many feeds as possible even though I've already been discharged, at least 4 to 5 a day if we can. I cherish that time so much, even if it is just being able to hold her in my arms and cuddle her. She is starting to open her eyes more, and I just melt when she stares into my eyes and watches me. She also has the cutest little facial expressions, especially her "smile" (you know, the gassy effect). She also has this "am I yawning or going to cry" look she gives us. I hate having to leave her there!
DH is completely smitten with her too. We almost have to fight over who gets to feed her and who gets to hold her (I usually win, but I let him have time with her too.). I love watching him just hold her and stare at her, studying her.
The kids have both met her. E seems indifferent but happy. A just can't get enough of her. Unfortunately, they haven't spent really any quality time with her because she has been in the NICU for 4+ days, but it should be interesting to see how things work out after she gets home, which I hope is soon!
I've taken quite a few pictures, and you can check them out in our usual shutterfly location.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Today's the day!
Bad news first... My BPs have creeped up again at my doc's office. 160/110 and then 162/111 twenty minutes later.
Good news... My doc has decided that it is better to deliver baby girl today than wait until the 31st! Of course, I'm freaking out right now because I didn't really expect it, but at 36w1d, I feel comfortable knowing that she should be okay! OMG, I'm having a baby today!!! We are scheduled for the Csection for 4 PM today!!! Yikes!!!!!!
Good news... My doc has decided that it is better to deliver baby girl today than wait until the 31st! Of course, I'm freaking out right now because I didn't really expect it, but at 36w1d, I feel comfortable knowing that she should be okay! OMG, I'm having a baby today!!! We are scheduled for the Csection for 4 PM today!!! Yikes!!!!!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Little excitement last night!
Around 9 PM last night, we were all lying in our bed and watching "So You Think You Can Dance." I started feeling very blah and felt my heart start racing out of my chest. So I took my blood pressure (which I haven't done in quite a few days), and it was 148/126. My DH and I looked at each other like "huh?" (My doc doesn't want to see a lower number higher than the 90s). After lying down for 20 minutes, I took my BP again, and it was 163/111.
So, I made the call to my doctor. The doctor on call (his partner) told me to come to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. So off we packed the kids into the car and went. Of course, I'm sitting there thinking "Come on, we only have a week to go! Everything is planned!"
I got hooked up to the fetal monitors for what ended up being 2+ hours, and during the whole time, baby girl was doing great. She was just doing her thing, moving around a bit, sleeping, etc. But she looked good.
They took my BP when I got there, and it went down to 153/98. During the course of the 3-hours we were there, it slowly went down back into the normalish range.
But because of my BPs, the doc wanted me to do bloodwork for preeclampsia and a urine dip test. My urine came back first, and the nurse wasn't took thrilled, as it showed 2+ protein with a number in the 100s. No clue exactly how serious this is, but she mentioned the doctor was waiting until my bloodwork came back before she would decide if I had to be admitted or I could go home. I also mentioned how I had just dropped off a 24-hour collection that morning at their office, but the results wouldn't be available until my appointment with my doctor this Friday. Fortunately, after a 20-minute more wait, my bloodwork came back good. My liver and kidneys are still functioning in the normal range. Thank goodness!
Because my BPs had stabilized, my bloodwork looked good, and because I had an appointment with my doctor on Friday morning, the doctor agreed to let me go back home and continue my strict bedrest regimen. So, here I am!
So, I made the call to my doctor. The doctor on call (his partner) told me to come to Labor and Delivery to get checked out. So off we packed the kids into the car and went. Of course, I'm sitting there thinking "Come on, we only have a week to go! Everything is planned!"
I got hooked up to the fetal monitors for what ended up being 2+ hours, and during the whole time, baby girl was doing great. She was just doing her thing, moving around a bit, sleeping, etc. But she looked good.
They took my BP when I got there, and it went down to 153/98. During the course of the 3-hours we were there, it slowly went down back into the normalish range.
But because of my BPs, the doc wanted me to do bloodwork for preeclampsia and a urine dip test. My urine came back first, and the nurse wasn't took thrilled, as it showed 2+ protein with a number in the 100s. No clue exactly how serious this is, but she mentioned the doctor was waiting until my bloodwork came back before she would decide if I had to be admitted or I could go home. I also mentioned how I had just dropped off a 24-hour collection that morning at their office, but the results wouldn't be available until my appointment with my doctor this Friday. Fortunately, after a 20-minute more wait, my bloodwork came back good. My liver and kidneys are still functioning in the normal range. Thank goodness!
Because my BPs had stabilized, my bloodwork looked good, and because I had an appointment with my doctor on Friday morning, the doctor agreed to let me go back home and continue my strict bedrest regimen. So, here I am!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Just got back from my ultrasound. For 35-1/2 weeks, this is one big girl! She is measuring 7 lb 4 oz already! If I went full term, 40 weeks, she could have been a 9-pound plus baby! Everything looked great. We found out some cool things on the ultrasound though today, as our technician was not that busy (doc is out of town so not that many patients) and seemed to show us more than usual.
Oh yeah, we confirmed my CSection date -- 12 noon on the 31st!
- Baby girl has hair! She showed us the hair on her head floating in the amniotic fluid. So cool!
- Her foot is 7 cm long, almost 3 inches! That's a big foot!
- She has quite a big belly LOL. Her belly was measuring 40 weeks already -- now I know where all the weight gain I haven't had has been going.
- She was practicing breathing. You could see her diaphragm going up and down. Our technician pointed it out to us. That was REALLY cool. Apparently that means her lungs are already on their way to maturity!
- Amniotic fluid, heart beat, and umbilical blood flow looked great.
- Her head is down low, I mean REALLY low -- yeah, I can feel that!
Oh yeah, we confirmed my CSection date -- 12 noon on the 31st!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
We have a date!
Well, we had my nonstress test again this morning, and I drank about 16 ounces of orange juice before the test to make sure little girl was awake and active. It definitely worked because for the first time, she passed on the first go round!
After laying there for 30 minutes, the nurse took my blood pressure, and it was 150/92. Pretty high considering I had been lying there and not moving. My 24-hour urine test came back, and my protein was still in the normal range at 225 and my creatinine was also normal. Putting all that together, my doc still wants to buy us some more time before delivery. However, he is going on vacation from tomorrow through next Thursday.
So the plan is to go back on Monday and do an ultrasound and blood pressure check. If my BP is over 160/100, then it is time to reconsider with one of his partners and take action. If I'm still "hanging in there," I go back to him on Friday (the day he returns) and see what the latest BP and protein urine collection (which I have to do on Tuesday) numbers are.
But the great news is that we have a definite "end date," as he wants to schedule a CSection for July 31st at 37 weeks. His logic is that it is harder to induce a first time mom who isn't ready for delivery, especially with my BP issues. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me because I just want a healthy baby. It is just so great to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you know? Oh yeah, the 31st is my nephew's birthday, how cool is that Cassie?
Obviously something could happen in between and we have to go sooner (preterm labor or BP issues), but at least there is a definite end point to meet my daughter!!
After laying there for 30 minutes, the nurse took my blood pressure, and it was 150/92. Pretty high considering I had been lying there and not moving. My 24-hour urine test came back, and my protein was still in the normal range at 225 and my creatinine was also normal. Putting all that together, my doc still wants to buy us some more time before delivery. However, he is going on vacation from tomorrow through next Thursday.
So the plan is to go back on Monday and do an ultrasound and blood pressure check. If my BP is over 160/100, then it is time to reconsider with one of his partners and take action. If I'm still "hanging in there," I go back to him on Friday (the day he returns) and see what the latest BP and protein urine collection (which I have to do on Tuesday) numbers are.
But the great news is that we have a definite "end date," as he wants to schedule a CSection for July 31st at 37 weeks. His logic is that it is harder to induce a first time mom who isn't ready for delivery, especially with my BP issues. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me because I just want a healthy baby. It is just so great to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you know? Oh yeah, the 31st is my nephew's birthday, how cool is that Cassie?
Obviously something could happen in between and we have to go sooner (preterm labor or BP issues), but at least there is a definite end point to meet my daughter!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
My cousin
Well, it is very difficult trying to figure out what is truly going on down there is Costa Rica. However, my brother did talk to my cousin today, and it seems that he has lost sensation in all of his extremities, even though he is sugarcoating it for his parents. He is doing physical therapy three times a day, and it is exhausting for him. Thank goodness he is still young (36). The great news is that they are trying to arrange for him to be flown from Costa Rica back to California in the next day or two. THAT would be fantastic. He has such a long road ahead of him, and we still don't know how much he will be able to improve. It is so shocking to me, almost unbelievable that this could happen to someone in my family, you know? I will just be so glad when they can get him home and get the best care for him that is available.
The drama surrounding my cousin really kept my mind off being stuck in for the past couple of days. Puts things into a bit more perspective, you know? However, my BP is still creeping up when I check it at home, and I go back tomorrow for another recheck, possible nonstress test, and to find out the results of my urine/protein test from Friday. Tomorrow puts me at 34w5d. I think I'm finally getting used to the medication effects, only took a month. However, I'm still getting exhausted during the day, but I'm wondering how much of that has to do with being forced to relax all day, every day, you know?
Even though I know she isn't "cooked enough" in there, I'm so ready to meet her and get to touch her and see what she looks like. Part of me is hoping that he is going to say "now is the time!" Then again, if he says that tomorrow, that doesn't bode very well for my health because I must be getting either preeclamptic or my BP is just rising too high for him. We'll see how it goes.
E and A
E had a much better day today. He didn't have camp this week (he goes alternate weeks), but he did get invited to two playdates today. His bestfriend down our street and another neighbor's son. It is ironic because he really hasn't seen these two boys much at all this summer, so to have two playdates on the same day was good for him. It also kept him away from the Wii and DS for most of the day!
A had a good day too. She's upset though that she has to go to camp tomorrow when it is supposed to be her mommy-A stayhome day. But with E home and having an appointment tomorrow (and not knowing what is going to happen there), it is just easier having her at preschool this week. Having her and E home all day at the same time is just too much, especially if they get into a fight or disagreement, as most siblings do at that age.
Well, it is very difficult trying to figure out what is truly going on down there is Costa Rica. However, my brother did talk to my cousin today, and it seems that he has lost sensation in all of his extremities, even though he is sugarcoating it for his parents. He is doing physical therapy three times a day, and it is exhausting for him. Thank goodness he is still young (36). The great news is that they are trying to arrange for him to be flown from Costa Rica back to California in the next day or two. THAT would be fantastic. He has such a long road ahead of him, and we still don't know how much he will be able to improve. It is so shocking to me, almost unbelievable that this could happen to someone in my family, you know? I will just be so glad when they can get him home and get the best care for him that is available.
The drama surrounding my cousin really kept my mind off being stuck in for the past couple of days. Puts things into a bit more perspective, you know? However, my BP is still creeping up when I check it at home, and I go back tomorrow for another recheck, possible nonstress test, and to find out the results of my urine/protein test from Friday. Tomorrow puts me at 34w5d. I think I'm finally getting used to the medication effects, only took a month. However, I'm still getting exhausted during the day, but I'm wondering how much of that has to do with being forced to relax all day, every day, you know?
Even though I know she isn't "cooked enough" in there, I'm so ready to meet her and get to touch her and see what she looks like. Part of me is hoping that he is going to say "now is the time!" Then again, if he says that tomorrow, that doesn't bode very well for my health because I must be getting either preeclamptic or my BP is just rising too high for him. We'll see how it goes.
E and A
E had a much better day today. He didn't have camp this week (he goes alternate weeks), but he did get invited to two playdates today. His bestfriend down our street and another neighbor's son. It is ironic because he really hasn't seen these two boys much at all this summer, so to have two playdates on the same day was good for him. It also kept him away from the Wii and DS for most of the day!
A had a good day too. She's upset though that she has to go to camp tomorrow when it is supposed to be her mommy-A stayhome day. But with E home and having an appointment tomorrow (and not knowing what is going to happen there), it is just easier having her at preschool this week. Having her and E home all day at the same time is just too much, especially if they get into a fight or disagreement, as most siblings do at that age.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Scary drama...
One of my cousins is in his late mid 30s. He went down to Costa Rica with some friends and was severely injured in a freak accident. We don't know all of the details yet, but apparently he was tubing in some shallow water, fell, and something happened and he ended up unconscious. Some of the sketchy details we have received are that he ended up in local village clinic, and he was paralyzed. Then the American consulate got involved, and he ended up in a hospital in San Jose (the capital). He had neck surgery yesterday, and they had to implant two plastic disks into his cervical neck as well as a titanium rod. My brother (who is very close with him) talked to him, and I guess he still has some paralysis in his hands and fingers. He was also very drugged up on pain medications obviously.
My aunt and uncle flew out last night. My aunt's passport had expired, so my uncle had called a local government official who met my aunt and uncle at the passport office at 7:30 PM last night and offered her a temporary passport. Nice to see our government work positively and quickly! I guess they do offer this only for medical emergencies.
I'm really worried about my cousin, and I can't believe this happened. It is hard getting firm details out of everyone out there, but hopefully things will become more clear soon. Also, I keep wondering how long it will be for him to get stable so they can send him back to the US, and how exactly does this all work?
Very, very scary...
My aunt and uncle flew out last night. My aunt's passport had expired, so my uncle had called a local government official who met my aunt and uncle at the passport office at 7:30 PM last night and offered her a temporary passport. Nice to see our government work positively and quickly! I guess they do offer this only for medical emergencies.
I'm really worried about my cousin, and I can't believe this happened. It is hard getting firm details out of everyone out there, but hopefully things will become more clear soon. Also, I keep wondering how long it will be for him to get stable so they can send him back to the US, and how exactly does this all work?
Very, very scary...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I admit it, I cheated today!
I cheated today. DH and the kids went with me to get my haircut down the street. I had to do it. Having curly and frizzy hair that was getting way too long was driving me crazy, especially after having to lay in bed day after day! I didn't want to go by myself because I didn't want a repeat episode of what happened at the market a couple of weeks ago where I almost passed out. However, nothing happened except I got a few inches cut off (A and DH got their hair cut too!). And then we went out for lunch AND dinner today. I felt like a liberated woman, but I did take it easy and stayed on bedrest in between lunch and dinner. Actually ended up taking a nap for 2-1/2 hours after lunch. I was worn out, but it was so worth it. I checked my BPs, and they didn't really get much higher than they usually are, so I was okay.
I'll be good again tomorrow, back to laying in bed or on the couch all day. The most activity I think I will accomplish tomorrow is working with DH and the kids on getting the baby's room ready. It has stuff in there, but nothing is put away, and basically just looks like a storage area!
On a separate note, we had a rough day with E today. You know, he has done SO well on his ADHD medication for the past two months that when he has his really bad days, you just are shocked back into dealing with that behavior. I mean, don't get me wrong, he definitely still shows his ADHD almost every morning before he takes his medication. But then, about 30 minutes later, it is almost as if his brain slows down so he can think about what he wants to do and say. It usually wears off 5 pm to 6 pm, and many nights we are okay, and on the ones we are not, he takes his caffeine gum. But it has been a long time since we actually had a bad day almost all day while he was on the medication. I mean, he gets so emotionally angry and disrespectful during these periods, as if I don't even recognize him as my child at times. A has even started to learn to stay away from him when he is "in one of his moods."
He is such a sweet and beautiful child...I hate seeing him like this. He really has done so well lately. He has won awards at camp this summer for being the "best group leader," and I've been told that he is such a good listener and a respectful camper. We've definitely seen it here too. He is so helpful, lovable, intelligent, and very understanding when he is on his medication. Don't get me wrong, he is still a 7-1/2 year old boy with "boy" tendencies, but we are learning to see the difference between "normal boy" and what is ADHD behavior. I love the fact that we have rarely seen his ADHD behavior in the past couple of months since starting the new meds.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring me my boy back. I hated how things were with him today :(
I cheated today. DH and the kids went with me to get my haircut down the street. I had to do it. Having curly and frizzy hair that was getting way too long was driving me crazy, especially after having to lay in bed day after day! I didn't want to go by myself because I didn't want a repeat episode of what happened at the market a couple of weeks ago where I almost passed out. However, nothing happened except I got a few inches cut off (A and DH got their hair cut too!). And then we went out for lunch AND dinner today. I felt like a liberated woman, but I did take it easy and stayed on bedrest in between lunch and dinner. Actually ended up taking a nap for 2-1/2 hours after lunch. I was worn out, but it was so worth it. I checked my BPs, and they didn't really get much higher than they usually are, so I was okay.
I'll be good again tomorrow, back to laying in bed or on the couch all day. The most activity I think I will accomplish tomorrow is working with DH and the kids on getting the baby's room ready. It has stuff in there, but nothing is put away, and basically just looks like a storage area!
On a separate note, we had a rough day with E today. You know, he has done SO well on his ADHD medication for the past two months that when he has his really bad days, you just are shocked back into dealing with that behavior. I mean, don't get me wrong, he definitely still shows his ADHD almost every morning before he takes his medication. But then, about 30 minutes later, it is almost as if his brain slows down so he can think about what he wants to do and say. It usually wears off 5 pm to 6 pm, and many nights we are okay, and on the ones we are not, he takes his caffeine gum. But it has been a long time since we actually had a bad day almost all day while he was on the medication. I mean, he gets so emotionally angry and disrespectful during these periods, as if I don't even recognize him as my child at times. A has even started to learn to stay away from him when he is "in one of his moods."
He is such a sweet and beautiful child...I hate seeing him like this. He really has done so well lately. He has won awards at camp this summer for being the "best group leader," and I've been told that he is such a good listener and a respectful camper. We've definitely seen it here too. He is so helpful, lovable, intelligent, and very understanding when he is on his medication. Don't get me wrong, he is still a 7-1/2 year old boy with "boy" tendencies, but we are learning to see the difference between "normal boy" and what is ADHD behavior. I love the fact that we have rarely seen his ADHD behavior in the past couple of months since starting the new meds.
Hopefully tomorrow will bring me my boy back. I hated how things were with him today :(
Friday, July 11, 2008
34w1d, what a beautiful place to be!
We had an ultrasound this morning. Our last one was at 29w6d, and our baby girl was measuring about a week ahead at 3 lb 12 oz. We were concerned that with my hypertension and me still not gaining any weight in the past two months that the baby wasn't growing as well as she should. Well, obviously someone didn't tell her that -- get this, 6 lb 2 oz!! She is still growing about a week and a half ahead and is in the 72% for growth for her gestational age! She is one heck of a big baby!!! SIX POUNDS already! Holy cow!! If she made it to 40 weeks, she would be almost a 9-pounder! Obviously she is gaining the weight that I'm not.
So after the ultrasound, we met with my doc. My BP is starting to creep up again. It was 154/92 at this visit. We asked him "what is the plan?" Everyone, including our ultrasound technician, kept asking us all these questions, and we just said "don't know!" But we do have some answers now. My dip urine did show some protein, so we will see why my 24-hour collection numbers are on Tuesday.
His plan is to, obviously, closely monitor my BP and labs. If Tuesday's urine collection is still within the safe range and my BP doesn't spike higher, we wait a few more days and test again. Basically, we really are on a few days to few days basis at this point. He doesn't want to see a trend of spikes in my BP.
Also, the farthest he will let me go is to 37 weeks. So this will most likely be a July baby, as the 31st would be our 37th week marker. But, again, depending on my labs and BP, it could be sooner.
He said there is a greater than 50% chance I will require a Csection, especially if he has to take the baby because of my labs or BP. The farther we get, the better chance for a vaginal delivery because my body will be more ready. However, if we have to do it sooner because of my BP or something, it is safer with a Csection. Honestly, I don't care about the "experience" of this process, I just want a healthy baby. But now I know that I have to prepare myself mentally for this possibility.
I'm feeling better about everything now that we are in the "safe zone" at 34+ weeks. The general odds of something life threatening happening to this little girl because of prematurity are really starting to disappear every day more. In my heart I know that if she had to be born tomorrow that her chances of being healthy would be good (even if she had some minor issues that required a NICU stay).
Safe zone!
So after the ultrasound, we met with my doc. My BP is starting to creep up again. It was 154/92 at this visit. We asked him "what is the plan?" Everyone, including our ultrasound technician, kept asking us all these questions, and we just said "don't know!" But we do have some answers now. My dip urine did show some protein, so we will see why my 24-hour collection numbers are on Tuesday.
His plan is to, obviously, closely monitor my BP and labs. If Tuesday's urine collection is still within the safe range and my BP doesn't spike higher, we wait a few more days and test again. Basically, we really are on a few days to few days basis at this point. He doesn't want to see a trend of spikes in my BP.
Also, the farthest he will let me go is to 37 weeks. So this will most likely be a July baby, as the 31st would be our 37th week marker. But, again, depending on my labs and BP, it could be sooner.
He said there is a greater than 50% chance I will require a Csection, especially if he has to take the baby because of my labs or BP. The farther we get, the better chance for a vaginal delivery because my body will be more ready. However, if we have to do it sooner because of my BP or something, it is safer with a Csection. Honestly, I don't care about the "experience" of this process, I just want a healthy baby. But now I know that I have to prepare myself mentally for this possibility.
I'm feeling better about everything now that we are in the "safe zone" at 34+ weeks. The general odds of something life threatening happening to this little girl because of prematurity are really starting to disappear every day more. In my heart I know that if she had to be born tomorrow that her chances of being healthy would be good (even if she had some minor issues that required a NICU stay).
Safe zone!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Our new car (probably)
Oh yeah, in the midst of everything that has been happening over the past few months, we have been looking for a new car to replace my mini-SUV. After buying the baby's car seat, we realized that we just can not fit three kids in this car with two of them needing car seats. A is going to have hers for at least another year. So, we have been looking at mini-vans and bigger SUVs.
After a lot of research, we decided to forgo the bigger SUVs and focus on the minivans. Begrudgingly, I'm going to become a minivan-driving mama. Never thought I would say that! But with a family of five soon, it just makes perfect sense, especially when we need to take at least one or two other people with us.
So, we decided to get the Toyota Sienna in Salsa Red color. With all the gas prices killing minivan sales (which since I only drive in my area, I don't think it will affect me as much), DH has been working on a deal with a dealer. The discounts we got on this car so far are unbelievable. The amount of rebates and "deals" they are offering more than make up for the extra gas that we would use for at least a couple of years! It is so obvious that dealers are hurting to get rid of these vehicles, and we'll be able to get this one well below market value WITH the features we want!
DH has taken both kids and test drove it -- I, of course, can only look at pictures on the internet and the brochure he brought home. But, I trust him.
I hope to get it soon. Before the baby gets here. My parents are planning to come right out after the baby is born, and it would be nice not to have to use two cars all the time for rides around to and from places. So, we'll see how that goes.
Oy, I'm going to be driving a minivan. How did I get here? :)
After a lot of research, we decided to forgo the bigger SUVs and focus on the minivans. Begrudgingly, I'm going to become a minivan-driving mama. Never thought I would say that! But with a family of five soon, it just makes perfect sense, especially when we need to take at least one or two other people with us.
So, we decided to get the Toyota Sienna in Salsa Red color. With all the gas prices killing minivan sales (which since I only drive in my area, I don't think it will affect me as much), DH has been working on a deal with a dealer. The discounts we got on this car so far are unbelievable. The amount of rebates and "deals" they are offering more than make up for the extra gas that we would use for at least a couple of years! It is so obvious that dealers are hurting to get rid of these vehicles, and we'll be able to get this one well below market value WITH the features we want!
DH has taken both kids and test drove it -- I, of course, can only look at pictures on the internet and the brochure he brought home. But, I trust him.
I hope to get it soon. Before the baby gets here. My parents are planning to come right out after the baby is born, and it would be nice not to have to use two cars all the time for rides around to and from places. So, we'll see how that goes.
Oy, I'm going to be driving a minivan. How did I get here? :)
Not quite as planned...
A was home today since it was Tuesday. E has camp this week, so he is entertained there. I was looking forward to some mommy-A time today. However, I ended up having a horrible reaction to my medication today and must have slept most of the day away. I felt horrible because A ended up watching three movies today (more or less). DH was going to come home around 2 PM, but the person who was supposed to come take over for him didn't show up until almost 4 PM. By that time he picked up E and went to get dinner.
I felt so bad. It was all I could do to make her lunch today without feeling like I was going to just pass out. We didn't play together at all, though she did cuddle with me for awhile while I slept. I must have taken three 90-minute naps along with about 3 or 4 15- to 20-minute dozes. That is what seems to happen lately when I get a bad reaction -- my body just feels so completed wasted, I get lightheaded, and the only thing I can do is sleep.
I can't wait until this pregnancy is done. I want to play with my daughter (and son) again.
I felt so bad. It was all I could do to make her lunch today without feeling like I was going to just pass out. We didn't play together at all, though she did cuddle with me for awhile while I slept. I must have taken three 90-minute naps along with about 3 or 4 15- to 20-minute dozes. That is what seems to happen lately when I get a bad reaction -- my body just feels so completed wasted, I get lightheaded, and the only thing I can do is sleep.
I can't wait until this pregnancy is done. I want to play with my daughter (and son) again.
Monday, July 7, 2008
My ladybug

As I mentioned before, she is having a rough time lately with me being on bedrest. Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays when she doesn't have preschool. Unfortunately, the school is booked solid on those days, and we can't get her in. In the long run though, I do enjoy the time with her, even if it is just sitting on the bed or couch watching movies, doing nails, or just "chatting."
She is very excited about her new sister. She tells everyone she meets that she is going to be a big sister. She kisses my belly. It is just so dang sweet.
However, she made the comment the other night when she was in one of her clingy moods that she was mad at her sister. When I asked her why, she said because her "baby sister" gets to sleep with me at night and she doesn't. (We don't let her sleep in our bed overnight unless there is a good reason like thunder or something scary). Totally took me by surprise because that is just a comment I would have never expected. I tried to explain to her that the baby has to sleep with me because she is in my tummy.
So it made me think of what happens after we bring this baby home. Our plan was to keep her in our room in a pack'n'play/bassinette for a couple of months before moving her into her own room with the crib. I wonder how A is going to react to the baby sleeping with us every night?
I KNOW she is going to have a tough time when I have to spend the night in the hospital for however many nights. I've already tried talking to her about it, but it just ends up in a lot of pouting and tears. She wants to sleep with me there. DH and I agreed that during those nights I'm not at home, he'll let her fall asleep in bed with him and move her over to her room later.
She made the comment tonight at dinner (with her pouty face) that she was sad because I don't call her ladybug that much anymore. Honestly, I still think I do it just as much, but it made me realize how much she really likes it when I do it. For quite a few months up until I got put on bedrest, she didn't want me calling her ladybug anymore, but instead she wanted me to call her "pumpkin," which is my mom's nickname for her.
I told DH tonight that I want to get A a stuffed ladybug that I can give her before I go into the hospital. Just something from me to her that is special to both of us. He loved the idea, and now he, of course, has the job of adding that to his overloaded responsibilities. Even though she has dozens of stuffed animals, I think maybe just one special one might help bridge that gap somehow.
Think we may make 34 weeks
Got back from my doctor's appointment, and even though my BP was 146/88, he wasn't too concerned at this point. I brought him up to date on my symptoms, and everything seemed "normal."
We did another nonstress test today, and again, the first time he wasn't happy with the results because the baby's strip was basically a straight line. I guess that means "nonreactive." However, after drinking a box of juice, the baby became more active, and the doctor seemed much more reassured with the results. Guess I should drink juice immediately before the next test. He is going to do them each week.
I come back on Friday morning to do an ultrasound (yay!) to make sure the baby is still growing as she should. It has already been a month since the last one, can you believe it? Also, I have to bring in my 4th 24-hour urine collection to be analyzed for preeclampsia.
I can't believe I've been on bedrest for a month. It has been a miserable month. I just know that it has to end soon. I mean, she can't stay in there forever! But for now, unless something happens between now and Friday's appointment, I feel comfortable feeling like we are going to hit that magical 34-week mark. And that is a great, great thing.
We did another nonstress test today, and again, the first time he wasn't happy with the results because the baby's strip was basically a straight line. I guess that means "nonreactive." However, after drinking a box of juice, the baby became more active, and the doctor seemed much more reassured with the results. Guess I should drink juice immediately before the next test. He is going to do them each week.
I come back on Friday morning to do an ultrasound (yay!) to make sure the baby is still growing as she should. It has already been a month since the last one, can you believe it? Also, I have to bring in my 4th 24-hour urine collection to be analyzed for preeclampsia.
I can't believe I've been on bedrest for a month. It has been a miserable month. I just know that it has to end soon. I mean, she can't stay in there forever! But for now, unless something happens between now and Friday's appointment, I feel comfortable feeling like we are going to hit that magical 34-week mark. And that is a great, great thing.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Will tomorrow bring news of the future?
I have another doctor's appointment Monday morning at 9:15 AM. I'm VERY anxious about it. After all, we are at 33-1/2 weeks, and he wanted to try and get to 34 weeks, which is Thursday. 36 weeks is his absolute goal. However, my BPs have been gradually creeping up this weekend (in the 150s/90s today), and I'm wondering if he is going to either increase my BP meds (god, I hope not just because the side effects are horrible for me) or if we are going to get set to deliver this little girl later this week! I have NO idea how this is going to play out from here!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
On to happier thoughts...
The thing that stinks about being on strict bedrest is not being able to get our new baby girl's room ready. We've bought some things and washed the clothes we had purchased and that were given to us by our neighbor. I suppose maybe this 3-day weekend for my hubby and the kids we can start organizing a bit, and I can send them out on a shopping spree to get stuff. I really miss shopping!
We did get a bedroom set for the nursery. It is really cute. It is from Babies R Us, and it is called Tiger Lily. We actually had the room painted when we moved in here almost 3 years ago. It was a darker rose blush type of color, and it was eventually going to be my scrapbook room. But we didn't feel like painting it over again, so we go a set that matched. This one was really cute! It should arrive some time next week.
We did get a bedroom set for the nursery. It is really cute. It is from Babies R Us, and it is called Tiger Lily. We actually had the room painted when we moved in here almost 3 years ago. It was a darker rose blush type of color, and it was eventually going to be my scrapbook room. But we didn't feel like painting it over again, so we go a set that matched. This one was really cute! It should arrive some time next week.

Hitting the 33-week mark
We made it another week. Tomorrow will be the beginning of week 33. My blood pressures have remained in the 130/140s over 80/90s range. Still getting sick on the meds sometimes. Monday was the worst...I was so miserable that I ended up sleeping 15 of the 24 hours in the day, I just felt like my body was wasting away. I even called my doc's office because I was so lightheaded that I couldn't take a shower.
We have our next appt on Monday. I'm REALLY hoping that he decides it is time to deliver at the 34-week mark and not hold out to the 36 week mark. I know in my head it is better for the baby, and I would probably do it if he thought I would be able to.
But I'm so tired of feeling horrible all the time, especially being on strict bedrest for 4 weeks now. Mentally and physically, it is just exhausting. I can't really read books or magazines because my eyesight gets blurry after a short while. I can't get into movies because I just don't seem to have a very long attention span these days. I'm really worried about my hubby because he is really stressed out, especially with having to take care of me, the kids, the housework, his job, and everything else (he truly is my superman). I'm worried about A because she has really been acting out lately, hating the fact that mommy won't play with her, and wondering why mommy seems sick all of the time. She's been acting out at preschool, and even was a troublemaker yesterday at a playdate she had. E is actually handling it best of all.
I can't wait to meet this little girl. We have her name already picked out, and I just want to deliver her and meet her and hold her already.
We have our next appt on Monday. I'm REALLY hoping that he decides it is time to deliver at the 34-week mark and not hold out to the 36 week mark. I know in my head it is better for the baby, and I would probably do it if he thought I would be able to.
But I'm so tired of feeling horrible all the time, especially being on strict bedrest for 4 weeks now. Mentally and physically, it is just exhausting. I can't really read books or magazines because my eyesight gets blurry after a short while. I can't get into movies because I just don't seem to have a very long attention span these days. I'm really worried about my hubby because he is really stressed out, especially with having to take care of me, the kids, the housework, his job, and everything else (he truly is my superman). I'm worried about A because she has really been acting out lately, hating the fact that mommy won't play with her, and wondering why mommy seems sick all of the time. She's been acting out at preschool, and even was a troublemaker yesterday at a playdate she had. E is actually handling it best of all.
I can't wait to meet this little girl. We have her name already picked out, and I just want to deliver her and meet her and hold her already.
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